An investment worth making | Humanist Celebrant
I charge a core fee, confirmed on an individual basis, for the creation and performance of a fully-formed bespoke ceremony written with your words. Though my approach is immeasurably more innovative than standard, this investment reflects a recognised average price¹. I work as a HUK Humanist Wedding, Naming, Vow Renewal and Memorial Celebrant throughout Yorkshire, the Peak District and North West. LGBTQ+ inclusive.
Baseline core fees are outlined below with indicative flexible payment patterns:
Weddings | £600+ – e.g. £150 deposit (25%) + 6 payments x £75 (also Celebrations of Marriage and ‘This is your life’ ceremonies)
Vow renewals | £500+ – e.g. £200 deposit (40%) + 4 payments x £75 (also engagement, hand-fasting, anniversary and memorial ceremonies)
Namings | £295+ – e.g. £73.75 deposit (25%) + 3 similar payments (also Celebrations of Adoption and Celebrations of Family)
‘The amount soon became irrelevant as we now know every penny spent was 100% worth it. You only get to do this once and we found that all the small thought through details were the ones that meant the most to us.’
To be certain any price comparison is fair, be sure to delve into my 500+ testimonials and explanation of the unparalleled Your Three Days approach.
I always explain how my core fee range works, what’s included in it (and what’s not) when we chat, so you know exactly what costs are involved upfront.
The inherent nature of bespoke writing means we would make sure we were talking about a similar overall concept before I confirmed any final quote.
I also offer additional elements written with the words of family and friends, all priced individually e.g. bespoke readings, hand-fasting passages and well-wishings.
Hannah Wroe Gill | Humanist Celebrant | Your Three Days
¹See All-Party Parliamentary Humanist Group report of 2018, Section 5.4/page 46