‘Well our feet have just about touched the ground (just about!) and we wanted to thank you with all of our hearts for everything you have done for us: for guiding us through the pre-wedding process with warmth and good humour; crafting the most personal and touching humanist wedding ceremony; completely bossing the whole organisational thing and corralling our rag-tag bunch of friends into a slickly oiled wedding machine and then delivering the ceremony itself, which – no word of a lie – every single person I spoke to afterwards mentioned how much they enjoyed.
I’m sure you must be used to the compliments by now, but really, everyone said it was either the favourite ceremony they had heard/the most personal/the most touching or all of the above. It was also really lovely that you were able to chat to people afterwards, as I know there were a lot of people curious about humanism.
Pete and I were equally delighted with the humanist ceremony and even though we had read the draft, were able to listen as if hearing it for the first time. The way you told our stories was very touching and people were very surprised to hear that we hadn’t actually known you all of our lives, because they thought it reflected us so well. You also managed to make us two shy people relish (almost!) the experience of standing in front of everyone we know – no mean feat indeed!
Thank you so much again – we will miss your bubbly emails – do drop us a line if you are ever around and want to say hi. All the best with your continued work and we wish you many more heartfelt ceremonies to come!
Hannah and Pete x’

If you like what you’ve read in Hannah and Pete’s testimonial, do check out my Weddings page and Instagram. If you’ve any questions, just drop me a line. It will be a pleasure to hear from you. Hannah WG